POI – point of interest im Focus … … in diesem Fall das Parlamentsgebäude auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite. Beitragsdatum 19 Juli ’13 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter London, Menschen, Straße Vorheriger Beitrag: Big Ben … Nächster Beitrag: Fange mich … 4 Kommentare Kommentieren → Now i am curious about what he might have seen.. great compo for this sightseeing tour ! Antworten Thanks for the comment paolo. The bus is crossing Westminster bridge and the guy is focussing Houses of Parliament. Looks strange because that is not visible. This picture and the shot before were taken nearly from the same place. Beitrags-Autor beautiful click! greetings! Antworten Fantastic image! You have a great eye for interesting things and people in your surrounding. Antworten Schreibe eine Antwort zu paoloAntwort abbrechen
Thanks for the comment paolo. The bus is crossing Westminster bridge and the guy is focussing Houses of Parliament. Looks strange because that is not visible. This picture and the shot before were taken nearly from the same place. Beitrags-Autor
Fantastic image! You have a great eye for interesting things and people in your surrounding. Antworten
4 Kommentare
Kommentieren →Now i am curious about what he might have seen.. great compo for this sightseeing tour !
Thanks for the comment paolo. The bus is crossing Westminster bridge and the guy is focussing Houses of Parliament. Looks strange because that is not visible. This picture and the shot before were taken nearly from the same place.
beautiful click! greetings!
Fantastic image! You have a great eye for interesting things and people in your surrounding.