Konversation … … zu dritt Beitragsdatum 17 Feb. ’10 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Madrid, Menschen, Spanien, Straße Vorheriger Beitrag: Markt … Nächster Beitrag: Schinken und Würste … 8 Kommentare Kommentieren → Wunderbare stimmungsvolle Aufnahme. Wem von den beiden wohl der Hund gehört! Antworten This is a wonderful photo, love the warm feeling generate in this composition. Really like the dog looking up. Great shot! Antworten The little dog looks like it's eavesdropping:-) Antworten I like the secret nature and that the dog is eavesdropping. Antworten GREAT capture! Antworten eavesdropping 🙂 funny moment captured Antworten Beautiful scene. I like it. Antworten 😀 LOL, this is indeed very funny! This image made my smile hugely!!! Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
This is a wonderful photo, love the warm feeling generate in this composition. Really like the dog looking up. Great shot! Antworten
8 Kommentare
Kommentieren →Wunderbare stimmungsvolle Aufnahme. Wem von den beiden wohl der Hund gehört!
This is a wonderful photo, love the warm feeling generate in this composition. Really like the dog looking up. Great shot!
The little dog looks like it's eavesdropping:-)
I like the secret nature and that the dog is eavesdropping.
GREAT capture!
eavesdropping 🙂 funny moment captured
Beautiful scene. I like it.
😀 LOL, this is indeed very funny! This image made my smile hugely!!!