Reiche Auswahl … … an Kuchen und Torten Beitragsdatum 15 Nov. ’09 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Japan, Menschen, Tokio Vorheriger Beitrag: Bleib so … Nächster Beitrag: Männer bei der Arbeit … 7 Kommentare Kommentieren → perfect capture! looks like we are in teh windowshop! Antworten Looks tasty and tempting. Colors and lighting are superb. Antworten Color, tones and mood are handled very well. Antworten Eine äußerst gut gelungene Arbeit! LG Alexander Antworten very nice light. i also like the compo.. and those inviting cakes too! Antworten Bonsoir, Great lightness..wonderful details..A pretty "model"..bravo! Antworten PRECIOSA!!! Me encanta. Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
7 Kommentare
Kommentieren →perfect capture! looks like we are in teh windowshop!
Looks tasty and tempting. Colors and lighting are superb.
Color, tones and mood are handled very well.
Eine äußerst gut gelungene Arbeit!
LG Alexander
very nice light. i also like the compo.. and those inviting cakes too!
Great lightness..wonderful details..A pretty "model"..bravo!
Me encanta.