Nagelprobe 2 … … mein Neffe und mein Sohn Beitragsdatum 19 Juli ’08 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Familie, Menschen Vorheriger Beitrag: Nagelprobe … Nächster Beitrag: Drei Generationen … 7 Kommentare Kommentieren → wow…this is really funny and beautiful in the same time. Antworten Ha! made me laugh! Antworten Der Nagel scheint gute Qualität zu besitzen. Die Socken weniger 😉 Antworten LOL! Great candid! Love it! Antworten Hey it's time for some new socks. Antworten It's wonderful what a child's mind focuses on. Nice captured moment. I wonder if anybody still darns socks these days. I know my wife doesn't. Antworten Ha! Too funny! Beautiful shot! Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
It's wonderful what a child's mind focuses on. Nice captured moment. I wonder if anybody still darns socks these days. I know my wife doesn't. Antworten
7 Kommentare
Kommentieren →wow…this is really funny and beautiful in the same time.
Ha! made me laugh!
Der Nagel scheint gute Qualität zu besitzen. Die Socken weniger 😉
LOL! Great candid! Love it!
Hey it's time for some new socks.
It's wonderful what a child's mind focuses on. Nice captured moment. I wonder if anybody still darns socks these days. I know my wife doesn't.
Ha! Too funny! Beautiful shot!