Schwebebahn … … fährt in Wuppertal Beitragsdatum 25 Apr. ’08 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Bahnhöfe, Eisenbahn Vorheriger Beitrag: Wasser … Nächster Beitrag: Verpiss dich … 5 Kommentare Kommentieren → Perfect light for and interesting subject. Antworten Da war ich auch schon mal, gelungene Aufnahme. Der Himmel bildet einen schönen Kontrast Antworten I really like this shot. It has a personal connection to me. My best friend was from Wuppertal. He died a couple of years ago. This brings back many fond memories of him. Antworten This looks cool. Love the sky Antworten Excellent composition. Great vertical and horizontal lines in this image they really grab your attention. Nice job. Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
I really like this shot. It has a personal connection to me. My best friend was from Wuppertal. He died a couple of years ago. This brings back many fond memories of him. Antworten
Excellent composition. Great vertical and horizontal lines in this image they really grab your attention. Nice job. Antworten
5 Kommentare
Kommentieren →Perfect light for and interesting subject.
Da war ich auch schon mal, gelungene Aufnahme. Der Himmel bildet einen schönen Kontrast
I really like this shot. It has a personal connection to me. My best friend was from Wuppertal. He died a couple of years ago. This brings back many fond memories of him.
This looks cool. Love the sky
Excellent composition. Great vertical and horizontal lines in this image they really grab your attention. Nice job.