Endlos … … wären die Geschichten die dieses verlassene Haus erzählen könnte. Die Leute bauen einfach ein neues neben dran. Beitragsdatum 16 Apr. ’08 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Architektur, Fränkische Schweiz, Ruinen Vorheriger Beitrag: Aussicht … Nächster Beitrag: Energie … 8 Kommentare Kommentieren → What a great old building. Antworten Looks like it's leaning into the ground. I would really like a chance to peek inside. Antworten Nice almost symmetry. Antworten Quaint little cottage/fixer upper! Antworten The bright colors of your photograph are in distinct contrast to the poor condition of the house. Nonetheless, a great image with a story to ponder about. Antworten Excellent shot of this old cottage. Really like the color of that roof. Great details too, nice work. Antworten This por house needs some maintenance ! Nice picture ! Antworten i can see it restored. what a beautiful structure. Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
The bright colors of your photograph are in distinct contrast to the poor condition of the house. Nonetheless, a great image with a story to ponder about. Antworten
Excellent shot of this old cottage. Really like the color of that roof. Great details too, nice work. Antworten
8 Kommentare
Kommentieren →What a great old building.
Looks like it's leaning into the ground. I would really like a chance to peek inside.
Nice almost symmetry.
Quaint little cottage/fixer upper!
The bright colors of your photograph are in distinct contrast to the poor condition of the house. Nonetheless, a great image with a story to ponder about.
Excellent shot of this old cottage. Really like the color of that roof. Great details too, nice work.
This por house needs some maintenance ! Nice picture !
i can see it restored. what a beautiful structure.