… war in reichlichen Mengen angekündigt und nicht gefallen. Die Bauern konnten das Getreide heute noch in Sicherheit bringen, das Wetter wechselt dann wohl Morgen.
Yes, with all else that gets said about farmers these days, we tend to forget their total reliance on the weather . . lets hope they get the gather time they need.
13 Kommentare
Kommentieren →Yes, with all else that gets said about farmers these days, we tend to forget their total reliance on the weather . . lets hope they get the gather time they need.
Absolutely beautiful. I've never seen such a sky.
superb shot…… love the field and the cloud is awesome…. You should be proud of photos like this.this is amazing.
Wunderbar stimmungsvoll. Super!
I really love this kind of scape !!! great shot, great sunshine !
Sehr schönes Bild. Hervorragende PP.
Very nice capture, great sky.
Tolle Stimmung.
Wonderful, I really like the lines in the shot and the excellent processing.
A splendid one!
beautiful open space pic with great sky 😉
Amazing landscape, it's wonderful ! Great treatment.
My vote for you on Coolphotoblog. Bravo, great work !