Krokodil … … und Kinder im Kölner Zoo Beitragsdatum 15 Sep. ’11 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Kinder, Tiere Vorheriger Beitrag: Der Wein … Nächster Beitrag: Sonniger Tag … 7 Kommentare Kommentieren → A fascinating story being told here with your image. Love the awesome angle you have chosen here! Antworten absolutely fantastic. there are three wonderful scenes here. Antworten hey, Koln is not far from Antwerp. I'd love to visit this zoo. Thanks for the tip. Antworten Mutig die beiden 😉 Antworten this seems like a dangerous place 🙂 Antworten run kids run!! Antworten Gut das es Glas gibt… Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
A fascinating story being told here with your image. Love the awesome angle you have chosen here! Antworten
7 Kommentare
Kommentieren →A fascinating story being told here with your image. Love the awesome angle you have chosen here!
absolutely fantastic. there are three wonderful scenes here.
hey, Koln is not far from Antwerp. I'd love to visit this zoo. Thanks for the tip.
Mutig die beiden 😉
this seems like a dangerous place 🙂
run kids run!!
Gut das es Glas gibt…