Frühling … … im Central Park Beitragsdatum 2 Juni ’09 Veröffentlicht in Foto Schlagwörter Menschen, New York, Straße, USA Vorheriger Beitrag: Auf dem Weg … Nächster Beitrag: Mobil … 10 Kommentare Kommentieren → Very nice and sensitive candid shot. Antworten Muss Liebe schön sein … klasse eingefangen Antworten Guess spring is in the air among other things. Hope you didn't interrupt anything, or maybe it's better that you did. Have to admit this is an interesting candid capture. Antworten He looks almost surprised by her attitude. Or is he skeptical? Great capture! Antworten Interesting scene. Looks like an old man and a young woman. Antworten Thanks for the comments. The lady was almost as old as the gentleman but twice as active. Antworten Good candid shot! Antworten Wonderful scene, very well captured. Antworten Wow! Nice candid… Michael Antworten Veronika, Veronika… der Lenz ist da ! Antworten Kommentar verfassen | write a commentAntwort abbrechen
Guess spring is in the air among other things. Hope you didn't interrupt anything, or maybe it's better that you did. Have to admit this is an interesting candid capture. Antworten
10 Kommentare
Kommentieren →Very nice and sensitive candid shot.
Muss Liebe schön sein … klasse eingefangen
Guess spring is in the air among other things. Hope you didn't interrupt anything, or maybe it's better that you did. Have to admit this is an interesting candid capture.
He looks almost surprised by her attitude. Or is he skeptical? Great capture!
Interesting scene. Looks like an old man and a young woman.
Thanks for the comments. The lady was almost as old as the gentleman but twice as active.
Good candid shot!
Wonderful scene, very well captured.
Wow! Nice candid…
Veronika, Veronika… der Lenz ist da !