Balkon …

Moskau 2008

… Idylle in Moskau

11 Kommentare

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Hy Chris, thanks for all your comments. Moscow is one of the cities that has changed incredible through the last few years. There is always a lot to see and if the weather is fine even more. I do find russian people very unpolite and uncharming that´s why its not one of my favourite places,
cheers OS

Thanks for your comment Jim. The fact is, one floor already has got an aircondition and the other not. I always thought that Moscow is a more cold place.
Cheers OS

Interessanter Schnappschuss … obwohl der Titel leicht ironisch klingt, ist es sicherlich nicht die schlechteste Wohngegend Moskaus, die man hier sieht. Interessante Architektur.

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